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High Commissioner paid his respects to an elder of the Indian diaspora, Mrs. Dharmie Deo.

Posted on: May 23, 2024 | Back | Print

High Commissioner paid his respects to an elder of the Indian diaspora, Mrs. Dharmie Deo, who turned 110 last month in Penal, Trinidad. Her parents came to Trinidad and Tobago from Jaunpur, UP at the turn of 20th century. There are so many deep-rooted people to people links of this kind between India and Trinidad.
High Commissioner paid his respects to an elder of the Indian diaspora, Mrs. Dharmie Deo, who turned 110 last month in Penal, Trinidad. Her parents came to Trinidad and Tobago from Jaunpur, UP at the turn of 20th century. There are so many deep-rooted people to people links of this kind between India and Trinidad.

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