OPEN CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – The Trinidad Ramlila : The Return of Shri Raama
High Commission of India in Port of Spain and The Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Cultural Co-Operation invites artist and photographers to submit their original works of art to exhibit in commemoration of Indian Arrival Day 2024. The exhibition is being curated by Ramlila Researcher – Dr. Indrani Rampersad and photographer Ghansham Mohammed.
Theme: The Trinidad Ramlila: The Return of Shri Raama. The indentured Indians took the mimetic, lokadharmi (amateur, worldly), maidani, community style of performing Ram Lila to different indentured diaspora countries like Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, Mauritius, and Fiji. Ram Lila is an animated form of Ram Katha and is performed in sacred time and sacred space. It is a maha yajna performed with total bhakti. Traditionally, Ram Lila is performed for ten days during Sharad Navaratri period.
Eligibility: Residence and non-residence of all ages who have created art and photography of Trinidad Ramlila.
Entry Period: Call for entries will be until Friday 17th May, 2024. Entries received after that time will not be eligible for consideration unless the Organizers officially announce an extension of the entry period. Shortlisted participants will be notified on Monday 20th may, 2024.
Printing and Framing: Shortlisted participants will be required to print and mount submissions on foam core board and may be matted and framed. The minimum print size must be 10 inches on the long side of the printed material or maximum of 24 inches on long side. Printed submissions must be delivered no later than Monday 27th May, 2024 at The Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Cultural Co-Operation, Max Richards Drive Uriah Butler Highway, North West Mount Hope.
Copyright Liability: By participating, the entrant agrees to grant permission to High Commission of India and The Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Cultural Co-Operation to use images for display and marketing of the exhibition and will not hold the organizers to any claims.
How to Submit: Participants must submit entries in JPEG or PNG formats to: ghansham.mohammed@gmail.com with a brief description of submissions. Contact information must be included.