Flyer for Hindi Scholarship at KHS Agra
Hindi teaching facilities and scholarship schemes
1. Apart from Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Education, Government of India through its autonomous body Central Hindi Institute, Agra provides one year 100% free Hindi Scholarship to the students of foreign countries under Promotion of Hindi Abroad Scheme of the Govt. of India. This scholarship scheme is conducted at the Head Quarter of the Institute located at Agra, UP. Under this scheme foreigner students are provided with to and fro economy class air fare to Agra, gratis visa, accommodation in the institute’s Hostel, three Time food, laundry facility, besides, a scholarship in cash? Till now 34 students have availed of the benefit under this scholarship scheme of Central Hindi Institute, Agra and in the current session, 04 students have been sent to India for this course against the allocated two slots for this country.
2. Apart from this, the Central Hindi Directorate under the Ministry of Education, GOI also conducts several certificate and diploma courses for teaching Hindi through correspondence. It is noteworthy that some Hindi enthusiasts from Trinidad and Tobago have also availed the benefits of these courses. Some of them are also providing support in conducting the Hindi classes of the High Commission.
3. The Department of Official Language, under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, in collaboration with the Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), an autonomous scientific institution of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, has developed many self-learning tools and software packages for non-Hindi speaking people to learn Hindi Learning Indian Languages through Artificial Intelligence - Leela (Prabodh, Praveen and Pragya) and Pravah. In addition to these tools, some translation tools like Mantra Rajbhasha and memory based tool Kanthstha have also been developed for translation between Hindi to English and vice-versa and for different Indian language pairs. These tools can be accessed through website of the Department of Official Language (https://lilappp.rb-aai.in) and by registering at (https://lilahindipravah.rb-aai.in) and (https://kanthasth-rajbhasha.gov.in). Apart from this, their mobile apps can also be downloaded from Google Play Store.
4. Similarly, the Technology Development for Indian Language (TDIL) Division of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India has also created many translation tools like Bhashini and Anuvadni for translation from Hindi to English and in other Indian languages. For more information please visit the website of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and its autonomous scientific body, Center for Development of Advanced Computing.
Brochure and Application Form 2024-25